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Spring's here! New blog & Some cute moments of Yuna and Yena during packing

Published by Jasmine Seo

Hello everyone! :)

I hope all of you have been enjoying the spring weather, although it hasn't been that sunny here compared to last year :P. I have a few things to announce, which I should've made clear a few months ago but couldn't find the time as many things have been going on around me :(. So I apologise for that >_<. Regardless, here we go!

Yuna and Yena fell asleep while waiting for me to play with them

First and foremost, I changed the name of my blog to Beautémia last year (formerly Yconcept) and I mentioned that in my previous announcement. I'm just mentioning again since I still see some of you coming through Yconcept. And I don't want you to get confused since it's still the same blog, just with a different name :). If you ask me why I've made a name change to my blog, it's just because that's how long it took for me to come up with the blog name that I want to carry on :P. In fact, at one point, I was very concerned that I would never be able to find a proper name for my blog O_O. Well, it took a few years for me to find my blog's own identity, so I hope you also like the new name for my blog! :)

Yena's tongue out while sleeping

Secondly, as you might have guessed, yes, Beautémia got a new look! The colour scheme and layout have been even more simplified and the comment section has been changed too. That means you are no longer to be a google account holder to leave a comment or ask me any questions. It's open to anyone as long as it's not spam :P. Anyways, I'm still working on my blog, so if you find any bug, then please do let me know to help improve the user experience.

Yuna's tongue out during her nap

In regards to communication, I've also created account on Twitter under Jasmine Imms. So you can now talk to me and get blog post updates through Twitter. I'm not sure how this will go, but there you go, you have a couple of options to reach me from the other side of the world :).

Yuna loves heights as always

Finally, new season! new place! :) Yes, we just moved to a new area and it has been crazy busy packing and unpacking :P. I shall put up some footage of our moving in the next few posts, so hope you will enjoy.

Stop working, daddy!

Yuna and daddy fell asleep on Yuna and Yena's pet bed at 4am

Mummy, you may have packed everything of mine, but you shall not take away my bubblies!

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