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Joules Review > Right as Rain Dog Print Hooded Raincoat (Matching coat with your child/ Animal lovers)
Just after I got my Joules Dog Print Hooded Poncho [
10 Timelessly Fashionable Water-resistant Hooded Coats
Followed by the rain boots list [], I just summarised my favourite water-resistant coats with hoods >_<. I'm not sure about you, but having a hood...
Feeling unwell? Flu skin / body / hair care / make-up routine (ft. Lola, Moncler)
It’s been quite cold here lately :/ Yes, sadly summer’s gone...T_T I’m sorry about my absence, I’ve been sick for the couple of weeks, and have been staying...
My Most Worn Contour-Quilted Hip-Length IRE Puffer Jacket by MONCLER (몽클레르)
I am not a very puffer jacket person, in general I prefer leather jackets. However, I thought that I should introduce you to the MONCLER IRE puffer jacket [