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Bellevue Art Festival & New Nail Art (Ft. Y's Nail)

Published by Jasmine Seo

I can really feel that proper Summer finally arrived in WA, so I decided to try a more festive Summery design for my nails this time. Although I haven't been able to go even near the beach this Summer, at least I can now keep my nostalgia of the Gold Coast on my nails.

Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa

You can literally see the just got out of water textures on my finger nails with the glistening effect from the sand and water under the sun. Well, that's how I feel anyways :). After getting my usual monthly nail art done at Y's Nail, I then quickly headed to the annual Bellevue Arts Festival venues as I only had a few hours to check each stall at different locations.

Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa

It's always fascinating to observe one's expressions on certain subjects through different media, so my eyes and mind were very occupied the whole time that I didn't even realise how much my legs were feeling sore from all that walking >_<.

Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa

The good news is that it was entertaining, but the bad news is that I couldn't see many art pieces that had deep meaning to them. Perhaps I enjoy Hide and Seek? Nevertheless, there were only a few stalls that caught my eyes. At least it's better than nothing, right? I would say that it was certainly better than last year and it was fun overall.

Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa
Bellevue Art Festival, nail art, japanese nail art & best spa

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