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Wilcox Park Review (Lynnwood, WA/ Ft. Flexi & Kong/ #LoveYourPetDay)
If you have a dog or a child, and regularly shop at HMart (Asian grocers') in Lynnwood, I suggest you visit Wilcox Park on the way just to get some fresh air...
Flexi Review > Retractable Dog Leash
We live in a city, so we don't have a constant daily access to huge off-leash dog parks. So we've playing frisbee with our Yuna and Yena at a...
West Paw Design Review > Zogoflex Zisc Frisbee (Ft. Our Border Collie Yena's 2nd Birthday)
The power of time is indeed incredible, I can really feel our Yena has been acting much more mature than last year. She even now knows when I start and finish doing my...