Review > Petacc Dog Shoes (Waterproof Pet Boots / Paw Protectors)

When our border collie Yuna was a little puppy, my man and I bought a pair of dog shoes to protect her paws, but they didn't turn out that great. They wore out too fast and they didn't have any grip on the sole so they were not that great for walking on concrete. The most annoying part was that the shoes kept slipping off, so it wasn't very surprising that we actually lost one shoe. We got quite skeptical about using shoes, and we stopped using them on Yuna for about a year.

Then, the rainy season came back here in WA, so I decided to get two pairs for Yuna and for her little sister Yena from a different manufacturer this time from Amazon. After spending an hour reading many reviews, I chose Petacc waterproof dog shoes in size 5. Just for a reference, Yena's a pretty standard female border collie size (Medium) and Yuna has bigger body frame even though she's thin (Medium to Large). I contemplated whether I should get one size down for Yena as her paws narrower than Yuna's, but it turned out that they are just a perfect fit! :)

I was surprised how well made the shoes are, they are very sturdy and give very good grip so they don't move around or slip off easily. Yena's a very calm walker, and she never had any issues so far over the past 3 months. On the other hand, Yuna's more of an active companion and she enjoys doing lots of tricks during a walk. Yes, she needs a variety so we always refresh her tricks including jumping, spinning, dancing, pouncing etc. when we take her out for a walk. As you can imagine, she's very active and luckily, there were only two times that one dog boot on the back moved after some intense spinning, which was on the very first day that we received the shoes. And that was the first and the last time that the shoe moved. Those shoes never slipped off even on Yuna, which surprised even my man who's skeptical about dog shoes.

We even tested them in the snow, and they were simply great! Yuna and Yena walked fine like normal. The funny part was that Yuna got very excited from her first snow that she was running in circles around my man without falling or slipping XD. Haha, yes, we could see that those shoes were definitely helping her to walk and run safer. After spending an hour or two in the snow, playing snowball fetch together, we checked their paws, and they were looking excellent :).

These shoes were very reasonably priced that my man and I never expected much from them, however, they turned out to be excellent. We would definitely keep purchasing these and we highly recommend them! :) If you are worried about the sizing, then you should check their page as they have a sizing table and guide which I used for our border collies.
