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Scriber Lake Park Review (Lynnwood, WA)

Published by Jasmine Seo
Tagged with: Pets, Travel, Lynnwood, WA, Seattle

We stopped by Scriber Lake Park on our way to Wilcox Park as they are closely located to each other.

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

This was our very first time visiting Scriber Lake Park, and I must mention that there isn't much space like grassy areas to play frisbee or even to have a picnic.

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

There are seats here and there through out the park, but the park by itself is very small and isn't really much to look around.

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

It might have been better if we visited in Summer when it isn't as wet and muddy.

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

Regardless, there were a few times when my man had to carry our border collie Yuna as there were small puddles and muddy areas on the path.

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA
Scriber Lake Park in Lynnwood WA

At least, the area wasn't smelly, and I liked the fact that there were many bins throughout the park. I think this park has the most number of the bins compared to the ones that I've visited so far including the overseas ones. Considering the nearby Wilcox Park, I don't think that we would visit Scriber Lake Park again sadly.


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