Sisley Review > Tropical Resins Complex (ft. Sisley Lotion with Tropical Resins / Creamy Mask with Tropical Resins)

My man and I tend to get some oiliness around the T-zone area even though we're both get dehydrated skin a lot of the time. So, we’ve been using Sisley Tropical Resins Complex together since 2011 whenever summer comes back. And summer’s here! :D Yaaaay <3

Scent & Texture

Upon application, my skin felt more of a slight tightening effect rather than mattifying. It doesn’t smell astringent or of alcohol either. There’s some aroma scent, but it’s very subtle and non-irritating.

Tropical Resins Complex has a light gel emulsion texture that penetrates into skin very fast. It somehow reminds me of Clarins Multi Active Cream gel, but the Sisley one is much lighter and much faster-absorbing.

Trust me, it has that perfect no moisturiser feel on skin. It is indeed a brilliant product for hot and humid weather, and my sunscreen and any complexion enhancers go on smoothly without peeling off. I wouldn’t use it around my eyes and lips though. In fact, I would never recommend anyone to use oil control products around those delicate areas.


The Tropical Resins Complex is a cleansing, mattifying and balancing skin care for combination and oily skin. Thanks to its synergetic combination of plant extracts (Tropical resins, Iris, Rosemary) with purifying, astringent and softening properties and Zinc known for its sebum balancing properties, it works to improve the appearance of oily, problem skin while preserving the skin’s moisture levels. This formula also includes a mattifying powder that acts like blotting paper and absorbs excess sebum. Particularly recommended to be used in humid climates and during hot weather periods.
Oil free, non-comedogenic emulsion-gel.

  • Rosemary: tones,stimulates
  • Iris: astringent and softening
  • Vitamin A: regenerates
  • Tropical Resins (Myrre, Incense, Benzoin): balance, purify



Unlike their Lotion with Tropical Resins (full review) of which I have gone through many bottles of, Tropical Resins Complex feels more gentle on the skin like their Creamy Mask with Tropical Resins (full reivew). It also doesn’t dry out the skin, which is what I love the most about Tropical Resins Complex. That being said, it doesn’t seem to work that effectively on hormonal breakouts sadly. I feel that it just seems to help prevent those breakout from getting bigger.

How about reducing pore size? In fact, I still haven't seen much improvement on my pore size sadly even using it together with their Creamy Mask with Tropical Resins (full reivew) and Lotion with Tropical Resins (full review), but my pores haven't become any larger either. Well, you can't really reduce the size of already enlarged pores anyways. Even all those lazer treatments can't shrink the size of them, so I guess it makes sense that a topical treatment has a limit on correcting :/.

Regardless, my nose area has gotten much more clean ie. less black and white heads especially when I put the moisturiser on after using Lotion with Tropical Resins around T-zone area. Tropical Resins Complex also seems to control oil production quite well throughout the day that it's become one of my favourite moisturisers to use under my CC cushions :3. That doesn’t mean that your skin won’t be oily. You will still need to blot off some oil and touch up throughout the day.

Regardless, thanks to its bare skin feeling it has been very pleasant to use when the weather has been very hot. I personally like to keep it in the fridge before using it as it gives a better cooling sensation and it seems to help my pores not to get enlarged too much from the heat at this time of the year. If you have very oily or very acne prone skin though, I’m still not quite convinced after years of using the Tropical Resins Complex if it will actually meet your needs, unless you are looking for something basic and gentle.

Where to Buy
